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The visit of representatives of IUVNEI Igor Kuleshov and Nikolai Kornev to Tashkent on December 17-19, 2023.

The visit of representatives of IUVNEI Igor Kuleshov and Nikolai Kornev to Tashkent on December 17-19, 2023.

During a visit to Tashkent on December 17-19, 2023, Igor Kuleshov, Deputy Chairman of the IUVNEI, and Nikolai Kornev, Head of the Department of the International Secretariat of the IUVNEI, discussed the holding in Tashkent in November 2024 of the International Conference of the IUVNEI on the topic "Prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Central Asian States and environmental aspects of NPP operation" with the Chairman of the Public Organization "The Council of Veterans of Atomic Science and Technology of Uzbekistan" formed at the Institute of Nuclear Phisics of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan Professor Bakhtiar Kurbanov.

Messrs Kuleshov, Kurbanov, and Kornev were received by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.S. Yuldashev. Professor Yuldashev was informed about the International Union of Veterans of Nuclear Energy and Industry, about the international composition, goals and objectives of the Union. Professor Yuldashev was informed about the intention to hold in Tashkent in November 2024, at the suggestion of the Central Council of the IUVNEI, an International Conference on the topic "Prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Central Asian states and environmental aspects of NPP operation". The hope was expressed that the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan would provide support and assistance in holding the conference.

Messrs Kuleshov, Kornev, and Kurbanov were accepted by the Director of the UzATOM Agency, B.M. Mansurov. They informed Dr. Mansurov about the composition, goals, tasks and plans of the IUNEI. According to Dr. Mansurov, the Agency would be ready to support the holding of the IUVNEI conference in the Republic.

In the Tashkent branch of MEPhI, Kuleshov, Kornev, and Kurbatov were received by the Executive Director Sh.Sh. Abdukamilov. Dr. Abdukamilov was informed about the composition, goals and objectives of the IUVNEI and about plans to hold an International IUVNEI Conference in Tashkent in November 2024. Dr. Abdukamilov said that the Institute had the most modern conditions for holding conferences and would be glad to help in every possible way to hold the IUVNEI conference in the Tashkent branch of MEPhI. The conference hall and the assembly hall of the Institute were visited, where conferences, seminars and round tables for 40 or more people can be held, as well as presentations and panel discussions with 250 participants with modern technical conditions. Dr. Abdukamilov was presented with the issues of the newspaper "The Voice of Veterans" for the library of the Institute.
President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan B. Yuldashev.
From the left, B. Kurbanov, I. Kuleshov, Director of the UZAT Agency B. Mansurov, N. Kornev.
At the layout of the future nuclear power plant.
In the Tashkent Branch of MEPhI, I. Kuleshov with Executive Director Sh. Abdukamilov.
2023-12-18 10:00