EN Новости

IUVNEI Conference in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 11.10.2023

IUVNEI plans to hold a conference in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, on October 11, 2023.

Topic: "Strategic objectives for the development of nuclear energy in the Central Asian Region and the promotion of veterans' organizations acceptance by the population of accelerated development of nuclear energy and industry."

The draft program of the conference is attached: download

We ask the members of the veterans' organizations that are part of the IUVNEI to inform the International Secretariat by July 15, 2023 of their desire to participate in the conference, indicating the form of participation (in person or online). If full-time participation is expected, in addition, please specify the form of payment (at your own expense or at the expense of IUVNEI, if there are resources available).

Please also indicate the topic of the report/presentation by July 15, 2023.

All correspondence should be sent to

2023-07-03 16:12 Events Archive